At the City Conference North in Bodø, Tord Kvien spoke about the office's many ongoing projects in the north. Among these is an exciting project in Skjervøy municipality, which with its 3,000 inhabitants is making large investments in the aquaculture industry. It is assumed that over 70 new jobs will be created in the local environment and NIELSTORP+ architects are involved in a Doga GNIST programme, which is an idea process to rethink how such growth can increase the attractiveness and sustainability of the local community.

The illustration above shows proposals for communal houses with wide functional areas.

In the city centre, a former shrimp factory is being rehabilitated, which is also being built on. The transformation enables a new multifunctional building with housing, innovation and social meeting places.

Herman Hagelsteen took part in a panel discussion on the topic "Can technology save us from the sustainability crisis?". Today, technology is a very useful tool that can reduce the uncertainties in, for example, rehabilitation and transformation projects. BIM modeling provides us with a data base which, among other things, enables detailed planning with accurate mass and material calculations, which in turn reduces waste and provides a decision-making basis for the many choices to be made in the design phase.