160 nye boliger i Skien
26. March 2025
På den tidligere industrieiendommen Myren i Skien lanserer NIELSTORP+ arkitekter, i samarbeid med Løvenskiold-familien, et ambisiøst planforslag for utvikling av området til en levende og åpen bydel. Forslaget omfatter rundt 160 boliger i ulike størrelser og typer, kombinert med næringslokaler, nabolagskafeer og offentlige torg. Store deler av området åpnes opp...
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Opening of a new clinic at BI
26 November 2024
On Thursday 21 November there was a ceremonial cord-cutting and official opening of SiO Health, at BI in Nydalen. SiO is now finally in place on the 3rd floor of building D at BI. SiO Health has moved from a smaller area on the 2nd floor to a larger area, approx. 400m2, with an expanded room program...
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Planning start-up meeting for care homes
22 August 2024
The planning initiative for Daaevegen 11 at Moa in Ålesund aims to facilitate the development of an apartment building on an existing residential plot. The planning area is located west of Moa Handelspark and borders Daaevegen in the south and west, with adjacent residential properties in the north and forest/greenland in the east. The project involves the demolition of existing...
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14 March 2024
NIELSTORP+ has become a member of OMA (Oslo Metropolitan Area). As a trade organisation, OMA works for interdisciplinary dialogue between authorities, business and residents in the Oslo region. OMA does an important job of creating arenas where the different parts of the real estate industry meet and to contribute to the facilitation of dialogue between the private...
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The future is colorful
19 January 2024
Exciting to meet the talented team at paint manufacturer Jotun in Sandefjord about a collaborative project in Bodø. Together, we look at how the color palette from the restoration architecture can be carried over to new construction for a new village. Coloring is specialist knowledge! ...
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Planning proposal for a new district at Hoff
28 November 2023
On behalf of Holm Eiendom, SKB Eiendom and Fram Eiendom, Nielstorp+ architects have drawn up proposals for the development of offices, industry, housing, cultural purposes and public spaces at Hoff. The proposal "Hoff Village" launches extensive reuse of existing building materials as well as additions and new buildings. Altogether, the proposal comprises approx. 47,000m², of which approx. 14,000 are housing....
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